Tom Moucka
Sr. Consultant | Nashville, TN
Tom’s career mission is to help people make the world a better place through generosity. “It is a deep satisfaction for me to help others establish financial security for themselves, pass along a blessing to the next generation, and see to it that their favorite charities thrive.”
Tom’s experiences span the fields of legacy giving, nonprofit and church advancement, fundraising and capital campaigns, grant writing, board development and retreats, and conflict resolution. He wrote a book on legacy giving, "LegacyNow: A Step-By-Step Guide." He has been the special guest of the president of Benin, West Africa, part of the White House Faith-based and Community Initiative, and founding board member of two private schools.
Legacy Planning, Planned Giving, capital campaigns for building and debt reduction, board retreats, board development, nonprofit management, strategic fundraising, grant writing, conflict resolution and mediation, and small group facilitation are some of Tom’s specialties.
Moucka earned a doctorate in leadership development from Regent University. His dissertation concentrated on strategic funding for faith-based nonprofits. Tom’s special interests include fly fishing, backpacking, golf, tennis and ultralight flying. He has four grown children and eight grandchildren.